
China Environmental News: how can the amino acid industry grow big and strong?

Internationally known as "Banzai", amino acid industry in China is not known for too many people. In fact, as amino acids to form one of the most basic material has been widely used in various fields, including food, medicine, feed, health, new materials, environmental protection and so on, it can be said is closely related to our daily life.

Statistics show that in 2010, China's industrial output of more than 3 million tons of amino acids, which bulk amino acid glutamic acid and its salt production to 2.2 million tons, accounting for 70% per cent of world production. Current manufacturer amino acid industry in China has reached nearly home, annual output of 44.8 billion yuan, profits of more than 5 billion yuan, and amino acid products veritable "factory of the world".

But international amino acid industry in the layout, China still is not a power of amino acids. Japan control of amino acid 60% of the world share in Japan, and France and Germany, such as methionine producer in the international market has long occupied our country; Japan Ajinomoto, and Germany's BASF and the Netherlands is threonine production giants such as ADM; even an edge in our field of glutamic acid, total exports have yet to 15%.

"Compared with the amino acid industry in foreign countries, we cannot become a true fermentation power. "Shi Weichen, Chairman of the China fermentation industry association on October 14 in the" 2011 International Union of amino acid industry innovation and Development Summit Forum "out on amino acid industry in China. How should economic development of amino acids industry in our country, it is worth pondering.

Environmental barriers and promoting green industry development

"For every $ 1 invested, there will be more than 0.2 Yuan used in environmental protection"

October 14, 2011, the China fermentation industry association, Meihua group and Tianjin University of science and technology "2011 International Union of amino acid industry innovation and Development Summit Forum" in Langfang city, Hebei province kicked off Meihua group headquarters.

At the meeting, Shi Weichen pointed out that due to the high dependence on resources and the environment of amino acid industry, already has eliminated a number of substandard, inefficient production lines of environmental protection, environmental standards are likely to increase in the future, become the measure of whether the enterprise according to the amino acid industry policy, an important indicator of whether access is allowed. To this end, the Association will meet the environmental protection departments at all levels, continuing a series of supervision and verification work. "The year of the glutamate (msg) the second national environmental protection industry verification is currently being prepared and is expected to begin in early November. ”

As the largest domestic category of amino acid, one of the longest industrial chain, Meihua group walk in the forefront of the industry in environmental protection, advanced the "three wastes" treatment facilities. First to introduce in the country Netherlands Parker water treatment equipment, and the first to capture the MSG industry granulation of flue gas treatment world-wide problem. "We are for every $ 1 invested, there will be more than 0.2 Yuan in environmental protection. On environmental issues, as long as they are technically, we continuously move forward closer, the State required standard we try to advance. "Mei hua Meng Qingshan, Chairman of the group said.

Industrial policy, exploring material diversification

Development stalks, artichokes and other non-food biomass conversion technology of amino acid

Taking into account the problem of national food security, encouraging green development of the fermentation industry, State control of the fermentation industry given the amount of food raw material, so that the amount of food to maintain a reasonable level. "Amino acid fermentation industry as important food industry, will also be affected to a certain extent affected, how to deal with the impact of industrial policies, development of diversification of raw materials, is an important task and task we face. "Shi Weichen said.

According to the Meihua group research and development technicians introduced Meihua group currently has with leading research institutions, associations and foreign well-known enterprises to jointly develop and actively searching for non-food raw materials, substances, such as using straws, artichoke instead of food raw materials. It is reported that on May 4 this year, Meihua group agreement signed with Novozymes enzyme preparation in the production of the largest enterprises in the world will work together to explore non-food biomass conversion technology of amino acid.

Good policy and industrial upgrading is not a dream

Technical innovation and structural optimization is the future industry trends

Starting from September 1 this year, China fermentation Industry Association officially changed its name to "the China fermentation industry association". Shi Weichen told reporters, baking industry "Twelve-Five" plan has been developed, and amino acids as an important branch of industry, "Twelve-Five" will be active during the development of new products with high added value such as amino acids, raise the level of technological innovation.

Present situation of development of amino acids industry, experts believe that using national policy guidance, promote the development of amino acids industry technology innovation and structural optimization is the future industry trends. State departments have introduced a number of amino acids industry leading policy, state explicitly in the emerging industries of strategic development plan of the amino acids at the bio-industry in seven emerging industries of strategic importance.

At the national development and Reform Commission, Ministry of science and technology, the Ministry and the Ministry of Commerce and intellectual property Office jointly issued the current priority areas of development of high-tech industrialization key Guide (2011) pointed out that encouraging the development of small varieties of amino acids with high added value foods and bulk of green production technology for fermented products, use biomass production of amino acids and other biodegradable materials. It can be predicted that future will gather more resources and talents to amino acids in the industry.

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